
हिंदी लिट्रेरी एसोसिएशन

More than a club. We're a Family.

हमारे बारे में / About Us

हिन्दी लिट्रेरी एसोसिएशन एक बहुत ही अलग और गतिशील क्लब है जो कि वेल्लोर इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी, वेल्लोर, में हिन्दी भाषा के कौशल और उसकी भिन्नता को बढ़ावा देने के उद्देश्य पर सुचारू रूप से काम कर रहा है।

The "Hindi Literary Association" is a one-of-a-kind and the most lively student organization at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, dedicated to boosting Hindi and Urdu language skills among the campus' diverse population.


हमारी धारणा / Our Idea

हिंदी लिट्रेरी एसोसिएशन, हिंदी और उर्दू भाषाओं में छात्रों को अपने साहित्यिक कौशल का प्रदर्शन करने के लिए एक मंच प्रदान कर इन भाषाओं के साहित्य को बढ़ावा देता है।

The Hindi Literary Association promotes Hindi and Urdu literature and provides a chance for Hindi and Urdu speaking students to demonstrate their literary abilities.


ज्ञानक्षेत्र / Domains

Literary Domain


The Literary Department works round the year, penning down a variety of poetry, stories, scripts,etc to keep readers and viewers informed and entertained. Also, here in this department, one improves their knowledge and grip on Hindi and Urdu language.

Management Domain


The Management department deals with all the management and coordination related domains. This department works from the very first step of conducting any event. It teaches the candidates to handle all real-life problems quite efficiently as well.

Design Domain

Design and Art

The Design and Art department of HLA takes care of all the hand-drawn and digital art and craftwork of the various events conducted by the club. We morph the imagination sprouting from our members into reality by sharing various design concepts.

Media and Creativity Domain

Media and Creativity

The M&C department in Hindi Literary Association is on the loose to cover even the minutest details and put them under the limelight. Interacting with the audience, making sure the excitement prevails is a job partaken by the M&C department. It takes us to various acoustic web series and mind-calming podcasts.

डिजिटल विषयवस्तु / Digital Content

Mridang 1st Edition
Dear Shehr
Dear Shehr

कार्यकारी मंडल / Executive Board

Prof. Jayalakshmi Rao

Faculty Co-ordinator

Khyati Tripathi


Jatin Singh

Vice Chairperson

Ananya Das


Vivek Rathore


Nikhil Harshawardhan

Editorial Head

Naman Deep Saxena

Editorial Head (Associate)

Ishu Choubey

Design Head

Aishwarya Jaiswal

Design Head (Associate)

Mansi Gujral

Creativity Head

Shraddha Suman

Creativity Head (Associate)

Ritika Goyal

Events & Art Head

Muskaan Gauba

Art Head (Associate)

Parth Goyal

Human Resources Head

Vishal Jain

Outreach Head